
# Content Page No
1 शांति स्थापना में महिलाओकी भूमिका 1-6
2 शांति स्थापना में आधुनिक हिंदी काव्य की भूमिका 106-110
3 Peace education in twenty first century : An analytical Study 111-114
4 The Role of Women in Peace Building 115-122
5 Role of Youth in Peacebuilding & Prevention of Violent Extremism in India 123-138
6 विश्वैश्विक शांति की स्थापना भारत के नेत्रुतव 139-145
7 समावेशी भारत और भारतीय मीडिया के अन्तर्विरोध 146-150
8 દલિત આત્મકથા : 'પૂર્ણસત્ય' 151-154
9 Hindu Diaspora in Mauritius: Continuity and Change in its Intangible Heritage 155-164
10 Diaspora Philanthropy: A Phenomenological Study in Pursuit of Evolving Opportunities in Contemporary India 165-177
11 Corporate Social Responsibility and Peacebuilding- A Case Study of Tata Group 17-26
12 Role of Youth in Peacebuilding & Prevention of Violent Extremism in India 27-42
13 Adoption of Digital Accounting: Issues and Advancement of Peace in Business 43-53
14 Community Engagement: Role of NGOs in Creating Global Peace and Awareness on Community health with special reference to COVID-19 54-62
15 Role of Indian Women in Peace Building: Takeaways from Environmental Issues 63-69
16 A Comparison of Indian Tax Structure with Other Developing and Developed Countries 7-16
17 PEACE THROUGH MUSIC (Prime reference: Indian Classical Music) 70-80
18 Media as a Tool of Peace Building & Conflict Transformation: An Analytical Study 81-87
19 Conflict Transformation & Peacebuilding 88-92
20 Role of Peace Journalism in Current Global Scenario: An Analysis of Russia-Ukraine War Reporting 93-105